Learn OmniFocus Celebrates Sixth Anniversary

Six years ago today we launched Learn OmniFocus, a membership-based site that centres around the popular OmniFocus personal productivity manager for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and the Web.

At the time, it wasn’t clear if there would be enough interest to make this a sustainable service. I’m happy to report that Learn OmniFocus has attracted members in over 80 countries over the years and that the future is brighter than ever.

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We recently launched a completely redesigned website that’s built to make tapping into our growing library of articles and videos easier than ever. Notable new features include a Content Library, that makes it easy to browse through our library, and a Knowledge Base that we’ll be expanding in the coming weeks and months.

Some of our longer-form content is now provided in a course structure. We currently have 11 courses available to our Learn OmniFocus Members, with more in the works.

We’re continuing to put a strong emphasis on complementary productivity apps and services. Among them are apps that Technically Simple has been specializing in for years, including Asana, Evernote, and Daylite. In addition to providing more content, we’re actively working on new and innovative ways to create engagement within our global community, including adding more small-group (maximum ten people) Learn OmniFocus Office Hour sessions.

Read our blog post on Learn OmniFocus to learn more about where we’ve been and where we’re going.

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way. We look forward to continuing to serve you for many years to come.