Technically Simple Founder, Tim Stringer has been working in the technology industry since 1990 and is a called-upon speaker.
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Here's a taste of guest posts, podcasts and videos that feature Tim Stringer. His expertise covers a broad range of topics, including technology, productivity, health and wellness, yoga and meditation.
Articles and Blog Posts
A Healing Journey — Tim Stringer's journey with David Allen's Getting Things Done® (GTD®) approach began in 2008 when he came face-to-face with a stage 4 cancer. Read this article and learn how he applied GTD to his healing process. Tim was also interviewed by David Allen on the In Conversation series on GTD Connect (membership required).
Small Woorld — Small Woorld shares the stories of entrepreneurs around the world who use the WooCommerce platform, the e-commerce plugin for WordPress that we use for our Learn OmniFocus website. In this interview, Tim Stringer shares the story of Technically Simple and Learn OmniFocus and offers advise for aspiring entrepreneurs.
CBC Life — Tim Stringer’s years of experience helping people and organizations make productive use of technology has captured the attention of mainstream media, including the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). For example, Tim was one of the productivity experts featured in CBC Life’s article on the go-to productivity tips of efficiency experts.
The Omni Blog — The Omni Group interviewed Tim Stringer and Jason Atwood (COO of Arkus Inc), asking them how and why they use OmniFocus, a personal task manager for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and the Web. p.s. Jason was a Workflow Guest on our Learn OmniFocus site. Watch the recording (free) to learn more about how he uses OmniFocus.
Mailbutler Blog — Tim Stringer has been featured on Mailbutler’s blog. His contributions include The Fundamental Role Of Technology In Productivity and advise on how to Productively Get Through the Holiday Season Without Feeling Stressed. p.s. Mailbutler, is a great productivity extension for Apple Mail, Gmail, and Outlook.
Foundations of Automations with Tim Stringer – Tim returned to the Automators podcast to share the multitude ways he’s putting automation technology to good use. He also talked about some foundational concepts of automation that apply to any automation tool, from Automator to Zapier.
Workflows with Tim Stringer – Tim joined David Sparks (aka MacSparky) and Stephen Hackett on Mac Power Users once again. Topics of discussion included Learn OmniFocus, OmniFocus 4, personal productivity vs. team collaboration, and strategies for overcoming overwhelm. Tim also shared a few of his favourite apps for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.
The Omni Show with Tim Stringer — Tim joined Andrew J. Mason on the Omni Group’s podcast, The Omni Show to share the story that led to the launch of Learn OmniFocus. Along the way he touched on his history with Getting Things Done (GTD) and shared some OmniFocus best practices that he’s developed and refined over the years.
Automating with Tim Stringer — Tim joined Rosemary Orchard and David Sparks on the Automators Podcasts to talk about the variety of ways he uses automation to bring ease and flow to his life and work. Featured solutions include Shortcuts (iOS/iPadOS), Keyboard Maestro (macOS), and Zapier (Web). See the companion blog post for more info.
Managing Personal Tasks & Team Projects, Communication, & Holistic Productivity — Tim Stringer joined Brooks Duncan on The Productivity Show podcast. Topics covered include key differences between personal and team task/project management and Tim’s major life challenge that led to the creation of Learn OmniFocus and Holistic Productivity
Learn OmniFocus with Tim Stringer — iPad Pros is a podcast dedicated to getting work done on iOS/iPadOS. Tim Stringer joined Tim Chaten to talk about the role that the iPad plays in his life and work and to share why and how he uses OmniFocus across all of his Apple devices.
Being More Productive with the GTD Method and Technology — Tim joined fellow consultant Josh Monash on the At Capacity podcast to talk about productivity principles, most notably David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) approach, and how these best practices can be applied to teams using collaboration apps, including Asana and Airtable.
Holistic Productivity Workflows with Tim Stringer — Tim joined Mac Power Users hosts David Sparks and Katie Floyd to share an overview of his Holistic Productivity approach and to discuss his productive use of Mac and iOS apps, including OmniFocus, Evernote and Daylite. Tim is also an active member of the Mac Power Users community.
Coaching for Leaders — Tim Stringer is a regular guest on the popular Coaching for Leaders podcast hosted by Dave Stachowiak. Themes have included How To Be More Productive, Using Technology To Build and Strengthen Relationships, Practical Action for Productivity, How to Manage Your Task List, and The Way to Lead Online Events.
Holistic Approach to Productivity with Tim Stringer — Tim Stringer joined Penny Zenker on the Take Back Time podcast to talk about his journey through cancer and how it led to the development of his Holistic Productivity approach and to the launch of Learn OmniFocus.
Leading From Within with Tim Stringer — Tim Stringer joined Executive, Leadership and Speaking Coach, Terry Lipovski to talk about Tim's approach to leadership. Tim emphasizes that everyone has the potential to express themselves as a leader and that leadership can take many different forms.
Holistic Productivity with Tim Stringer — Tim Stringer joined fellow West Coast Canadian, Mike Vardy to discuss productivity from a holistic standpoint. This lively discussion touched on focus and mindfulness and why it's important to recognize limitations.
Video Highlights
Tim Stringer's "Holistic Productivity" talk at the OmniFocus Setup conference in San Francisco in 2013. Other speakers included David Sparks, Kourosh Dini, Sven Fechner and Merlin Mann.
Tim Stringer was the first person to be featured in the Omni Groups "Customer Stories" series. He talked about his journey through cancer and how GTD and OmniFocus continue to support him on his journey.
Canadians Consistently Distracted at Work – Global News, one of the largest news networks in Canada, called upon Tim Stringer to chime in with his opinions on workspace distractions, how focus is a “super power”, and the benefits of a four-day work week.